Companion Website to
"Vocal Technique: A Physiologic Approach, Second Edition"

Welcome to Plural Publishing's companion website, intended to enhance your use of the text Vocal Technique: A Physiologic Approach, Second Edition by Jan E. Bickel.

About the book

Vocal Technique: A Physiologic Approach, Second Edition builds upon the premise firmly established in its first edition -- a singer who understands how his or her body functions when speaking and singing will necessarily be a better singer and teacher of singing. As such, it is the ideal text for voice classes and lessons at the university level as well as for voice lessons in the independent studio. Because it is so comprehensive, including anatomy, posture, breath management, physiology of tone production, achieving resonance, the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), classification of voices, health care for singers, a logical method for learning repertoire, stage deportment, and technology in the voice studio, it is also an excellent book for teaching vocal pedagogy.

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